Welcome To Our Community Page

A community for small business owners and entrepreneurs in India who wish to take their business online and be successful at e-commerce. The Shopmatic Community is a place where everyone can learn and collaborate making selling online truly easy.


Always at your service

Looking for a piece of expert advice who can design your website, don't worry we got you covered, with our exclusive DIFM service, our partners now can help you to design the best website. So what are you waiting for, check out our do it for me segment.

For all the latest action , check what do we have in store for you

Looking out for patnerships

We collaborate with several associations across India to develop and enable their members in e-commerce entrepreneurship.

Stay updated with our events

Check up on our upcoming events and get more info.

Use our ecosystem services

Exclusive services are available for customers who are looking for Do-It-For-Me kind of solutions, come and be a part of it.